Equity in Education Scholarship


Thank you for making a gift to the Equity in Education Scholarship Program. The scholarship program provides support to students that have a love for teaching.  This scholarship fund was established through a partnership between Rise Up Hagerstown, The Hagerstown Area Religious Council, and The Education Foundation of WCPS.  We applaud your decision to join our efforts.  The Foundation awards multiple scholarships annually ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 to racially minoritzed students (with preference to African American students) who reside in Washington County, Maryland, and are pursuing a degree in education or a related field. Scholarships are eligible for renewal until degree is obtained.

The scholarship amount is determined by the applicant's course load, tuition costs, and/or degree program.  Examples of allowable expenses include:
Books and Supplies 
Room & Board 
Other Allowable Expenses may include; rent, childcare, transportation, etc. 



Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

If you wish to make a gift by check, please mail it to:

Education Foundation of 
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, MD 21740

Make checks payable to: WCPS Education Foundation


Your Contact Information


Honor/Memorial Information

If you would like us to notify someone of this gift, please provide full name and address for the individual that you want to be notified below:

Your Payment Method

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